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Why we transformed our business strategy and purpose

2.5 min read

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A year ago, we started the business transformation process as part of our drive to be the best of the best in what we do.

Seventeen years in, the agency wasn't the same animal that it was when we started back in 2006. As founders, Marc and I had changed, the team had changed, our clients had changed, and quite frankly, the world had changed.

Over time, Abstrakt as an agency has evolved organically and become more focused, mirroring our team's strengths, expertise and ambitions. But our own belief in who Abstrakt was and what we did and our outward communications have stayed the same.

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It was clear to us as founders that we were at a pivotal point in the agency’s maturity, and to move forward and meet our goals, we needed to kickstart the next phase of our journey. We needed to redefine, re-articulate and reassert our position to ensure we were best placed to maximise opportunities and win the right projects with the right clients - projects that we knew our team could smash out of the park and clients we could build a true partnership with.

So, at the start of 2023, we started the process of really understanding what we do best, where we add the most value, how we stand apart, and above all, what, as a team, we LOVE to do!

We spent six months reviewing - we looked at all of the data, interviewed our clients, really dug into the strengths of our individual team members and thought about what we wanted as founders and leaders. It wasn't easy; in fact, it was really, really hard. There was a lot of deep thinking, soul searching, second-guessing, difficult conversations and leaving emotions at the door!

But the data was clear - our best output, most enjoyable work, happiest clients and most profitable projects were ALL web design and development for large SMEs, corporates, PLC groups and consumer brands who see their website as a strategic marketing tool.

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Last summer, we decided to niche and switched off the tap on any new client work that didn’t fall within our core web design and Craft CMS development offerings. Moving away from the ‘full-service’ model and turning down projects and clients was not an easy thing to do - it took nerves of steel, a strong inner compass and an unwavering belief in our decision. It was a scary but right move for our agency, team, and clients!

But it’s not just about our offering! Why we do what we do is vitally important, too. We want to redefine what to expect from your agency, craft websites with purpose and create a more sustainable web. We want our team to have the space and opportunity to grow, explore, and expand their potential and to be limited only by their imagination. We want our clients to see us as an indispensable partner and a true expansion of their team.

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Today, we are delighted to unleash the new Abstrakt, an agency that creates powerful online experiences for our clients and their customers. If you are looking for an agency to help you make your mark online, we're the agency for you.

Lauren Article

Lauren Swarbrick

Lauren has decades of experience forming authentic client partnerships and has a genuine desire to create better agency-client relationships.

She has specialist knowledge in digital strategy and digital branding.

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